Speeding Ticket, 700 CMR § 7.08(6)(a), Violator found Not Responsible after Clerk's Hearing. - Attorney Steven J. Topazio
HomeSpeeding Ticket, 700 CMR § 7.08(6)(a), Violator found Not Responsible after Clerk’s Hearing.

Speeding Ticket, 700 CMR § 7.08(6)(a), Violator found Not Responsible after Clerk’s Hearing.

The client, a plumbing contractor, received a speeding ticket alleging that he was traveling 58 mph in a 35 mph zone in the Ted Williams Tunnel in Boston hired Boston Attorney Steven J. Topazio to represent him.  Attorney Topazio explained to his client that by committing the traffic violation of speeding, the Massachusetts Registry of Motor Vehicles would add two (2) points to his driving record if he were to be found responsible for the violation.  If found responsible, the Merrit Rating Board would assess the client two (2) surchargeable points which would result in increases in his client’s car insurance premium. Two (2) surchargeable points would result in a 30% increase in his client’s insurance premiums for a period of six (6) years.  Today, Attorney Topazio persuaded the Clerk to find his client not responsible.