How do you Seal a Criminal Record and what does that mean?
HomeHow do you Seal a Criminal Record and what does that mean?

How do you Seal a Criminal Record and what does that mean?

How do you Seal a Criminal Record and what does that mean? When we talk about “sealing a criminal record,” it means legally hiding or restricting access to certain information about a person’s criminal history. This process is often pursued by individuals who have been convicted of a crime but want to move on with their lives without the burden of their past mistakes hindering their future opportunities.

Here’s a breakdown of the steps a lawyer might follow to help their client seal a criminal record:


The lawyer will first assess the client’s eligibility for record sealing. This involves reviewing the client’s criminal history, the specific laws in the jurisdiction where the conviction occurred, and any eligibility criteria set forth by those laws.

Gathering Documents

The lawyer will gather all necessary documents related to the client’s case, including court records, arrest records, and any other relevant paperwork that may help seal a criminal record.

Petition Preparation

Next, the lawyer will prepare the petition to seal a criminal record. This document typically outlines the reasons why the record should be sealed and provides supporting evidence or arguments.

Filing the Petition

The lawyer will file the petition with the appropriate court or government agency. This often involves paying filing fees and submitting the necessary paperwork according to the court’s procedures.

Court Hearing (if required)

In some cases, a court hearing may be required to decide whether to grant the petition to seal a criminal record. The lawyer will represent the client in court, presenting their case and advocating for record sealing.


After the petition is filed, the lawyer may need to notify certain parties, such as law enforcement agencies or the prosecutor’s office, about the petition and give them an opportunity to respond.


The court will review the petition and any responses from interested parties before making a decision on whether to grant or deny the request to seal a criminal record.


If the petition is granted, the lawyer will ensure that the appropriate agencies and organizations are notified of the record sealing and that the client’s criminal record is updated accordingly.

It’s important to note that the specific steps and requirements for sealing a criminal record can vary depending on the jurisdiction and the nature of the conviction. Additionally, not all criminal convictions are eligible for record sealing, so it’s essential to consult with a lawyer who is familiar with the laws in the relevant jurisdiction.